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I think the game is fun and goofy at the same time :3

I have been really enjoying the game! Have yet to run into any moderation issues like other players, though I do think the avatar section could really benefit from a search option, as scrolling on search of avatars is honestly a bit of a pain in the ass. All in all excited to see where this game goes!

this is so weird, on every device i try to plat this game it just shows a blank white screen with a "trial version" typed on the bottom. Pls stop ignoring the comments and do something about this. This is how it looks. 


BRO I JUST MADE AN ACCOUNT TO LEAVE A COMMENT FOR THIS GAME. Honestly this game is trash it looks fun the the way modaration is handled is ubserd. There are way to many ppl who have literal porn as there charcter and im sick of it. I also find it super annoying that it only supports jpgs and not png. I had to spend what fealt like forever just to convert them all. And the worst part? It was flagged!! I just wanted to rp a konata and I used sfw images??. Like bro THEY DONT EVEN TELL YOU WICH ONE IS FLAGGED!!! I swear to god this is the worst game I have played and thats really saying somthing bc Ive played balan wonderworld. OVERALL I DO NOT RECCOMEND THIS GAME!! ITS Full Of degen freaks and if you want a better social game expriance go play club penguin atleast that game has ACTUALL THINGS TO DO... ALL YOU DO IS SIT AND CHAT IN A QUIET ROOM FULL OF BEARD NECK REDDITORS. the amout of trauma I have exprianced while playing this game for a few minuites was horrible. GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE.


How do i move?-


nvm, it got fixed i guess and bc of the new update, anyways i love this app :33


please have a team of moderators to ban porn image avatars its really anoying including banning people who are racist /transphobic even the toxic people

and make the computer client have a pc windowed version and have different worlds plz

it does have differnet worlds


Please ban people who are racist/transphobic/anti lgbt  this game needs more moderators.

and prevent people from doxing cause thats a big issue and its a safety issue for me.


Белый экран


can't open the game, just white screen on Android

the characters won't load?

everyone is just a blank profile

with My avatar


I cant get in the game in both devices (android and pc), the screen is just white


PC client just hangs with blank, white window.